Metro: Étoile, George V, Franklin D. Roosevelt In a nutshell, Avenue des Champs-Elysées, the widest street in Paris, is probably the most wonderful place to start your tour, as you can walk all the way down to Rue de Rivoli.  It stretches from Place d’Etoile to Place de la Concorde. It is better to start from the top, at Charles de Gaulle-Étoile metro station. Here you are basically at the foot of the Arc-de-Triomphe, built by the order of Napoleon I as promised to his soldiers to celebrate their victories. Under the arch you can find the tomb of the un-known soldier .  12 major streets meet at this roundabout. Major Celebrations are held at Ave. des Champs-Elysées especially on New New Year's Eve and July 14th (the Bastille Day), a national holiday which celebrates the end of monarchy and the beginning of the Republic government in France. This street is filled with cafes and shopping centers mostly concentrated on the west side of the streetsuch as Galerie des Champs. In Champs-Elysées you can find movie theatres showing movies in English with French sub-titles! Paris has always had a reputation as a city of celebration and entertainment. Located on the world's most famous avenue, the Champs-Elysées, the Lido de Paris and its revues have added sparkle to the City of Light since 1946. Discover the Lido Show, the world's most famous cabaret and enjoy the exhilaration and enchantment. If you get hungry while on Champs-Elysees you have multiple dining options.  If you are for fast foods try delicious sandwiches from Pomme de Pain rather than going to Quick or McDonald's. You can also try Atelier Renault, (yes the car!) an ultra modern restaurant for a wonderful Club House sandwich with salad. One of the best and affordable Restaurants in Paris is Le Relais de L’Entrecôte located at 15 Rue Marbeuf just off Champs-Elysées. They only serve Steak with their secret sauce and the best fries you have ever had. You might be better off going there earlier because of the line ups they do not take reservations.   You can find brand names and specialty stores on Champs-Elysées including Louis Vuitton, Lancel, Fred, Ballys. If you are into haute Couture you can go down Ave. Montaigne, where you can find designers such as Dior, and Channel. As you keep going further down the Champs-Elysees Ave, you will arrive at Place de la Concorde, where you will see the Luxor obelisk, a gift from the viceroy of Egypt to King Louis-Phillip. During the French Revolution, prior to the erection of  the obelisk, this square was a bloody scene, where a guillotine was placed and many lost their head including Marie-Antoinette and Louis XVI. From this point you have 2 good options. You can either go through Jardin des Tuileries all the way to the Louvre or follow the signs to Rue de Rivoli.  Here you will find souvenir shops and of course cafes.  If you keep going you will soon find the Louvre on your right side of the street. Travel Tip: ●  You do pay more to drink or eat in major touristy areas rather than going off to the branching streets. ●  If you drive pay attention that you don’t get into an accident at Place d’Etoile since most insurance companies will not cover your accident!     Featured Paris Hotels around Champs Elysees:  Elysees Ceramic Hotel  34 Ave de Wagram, Paris 8    Hotel Napoleon 40 Ave de Friedland, Paris 8  Warwick Champs-Elysees5 Rue de Berri, Paris 8    Prince de Galles Hotel 33 Ave George V, Paris 8   Visit our Featured Hotels page for more choices.